ΕΠΟΧΗ ΤΟΥ ΧΑΛΚΟΥ. Αρχιτεκτονική – Οικιστική: Πόλεις, Λιμάνια, Λατομεία, Νεκροταφεία [Δυτική Κρήτη]
Πρόεδρος: Μαρία Ανδρεαδάκη-Βλαζάκη
Ιωάννα Βενιέρη
«Μετά την καταστροφή»: Η μινωϊκή εγκατάσταση στο Αποδούλου Αμαρίου στις αρχές της νεοανακτορικής περιόδου
Γιάννης Τζεδάκις, Βίκη Κολυβάκη
Συνέχειες και ασυνέχειες στην ευρύτερη περιοχή του Βρύσινα. Η περίπτωση των Αρμένων
[CANCELLED] Erik Hallager
Evidence for two LM IB destructions at Chania
Κώστας Σμπόνιας
Ο ΥΜΙΙΙΓ οικισμός του Βρύσινα: Συνέχειες και ασυνέχειες στο ορεινό τοπίο στην Εποχή του Χαλκού
Διάλειμμα | Break
ΕΠΟΧΗ ΤΟΥ ΧΑΛΚΟΥ. Αρχιτεκτονική – Οικιστική: Πόλεις, Λιμάνια, Λατομεία, Νεκροταφεία [Ανατολική Κρήτη]
Πρόεδρος: Γιάννης Τζεδάκις
Ελένη Γεροντάκου, Λευτέρης Πλάτων, Αλεξάνδρα Σαλίχου
Η αρχιτεκτονική ως «δείκτης» κοινωνικο-οικονομικών ή/και πολιτικών μεταβολών μεγάλης κλίμακας στο εσωτερικό μινωικών εγκαταστάσεων: η περίπτωση της Ζάκρου
Μαρία Κυρίτση
Οικογένειες σε μεταβολή: Συνέχειες και ασυνέχειες στον χαρακτήρα των οικιακών ομάδων από τη Νεοανακτορική στη Μετανακτορική περίοδο, με έμφαση στο παράδειγμα του μινωικού οικισμού της Κάτω Ζάκρου
Λεωνίδας Βοκοτόπουλος, Τίνα Καλαντζοπούλου
Κατσουνάκι Ξερόκαμπου: ένα περιφερειακό κέντρο στην επικράτεια της Ζάκρου
Βαλασία Ισαακίδου, Μεταξία Τσιποπούλου
Το τέλος της αρχής ή η αρχή του τέλους: Τελετουργική ΜΜΙΙΑ πράξη στο νεκροταφείο του Πετρά Σητείας
David W. Rupp, Metaxia Tsipopoulou
First impressions are not always accurate. A disruption that created a complex stratigraphical sequence in the Pre- and Protopalatial Petras - Kephala cemetery (Sitia)
Μεταξία Τσιποπούλου
“You don’t need a weatherman to know which way the wind blows”: Ασυνέχεια στο τέλος της ΠΜΙΙ στον οικισμό και το νεκροταφείο του Πετρά Σητείας
Jan Driessen, Professor of Greek Archaeology, Université Catholique de Louvain, Belgium, Former Director of the Belgian School at Athens
«Επανάσταση». Ανθρωπογενείς καταστροφές στην αρχαιολογία του Αιγαίου [with simultaneous interpretation in English]
Διάλειμμα | Break
ΕΠΟΧΗ ΤΟΥ ΧΑΛΚΟΥ. Αρχιτεκτονική – Οικιστική: Πόλεις, Λιμάνια, Λατομεία, Νεκροταφεία [Ανατολική Κρήτη] (συνέχεια)
Πρόεδρος: Μεταξία Τσιποπούλου
Maia Pomadère, Sylvie Rougier- Blanc, Eleftheria Tsakanika, Marilena Pateraki, Bastien Rueff
A rise in the use of timber in Neopalatial architecture? First results of the TiMMA project at Malia
Maud Devolder, Ilaria Caloi
Large-scale levelling operations in the core of the Late Prepalatial settlement at Malia
Iro Mathioudaki, Maud Devolder
Rethinking the genesis of the Neopalatial Palace at Malia. Knossian influence and local input in pottery and architecture
Carl Knappett
Resilient urbanism in Bronze Age east Crete: the case of Palaikastro [online]
Jeffrey Soles
Greek-American excavations at Mochlos 2021-2022, the discovery of a Minoan waterworks
Sylviane Déderix, Ilaria Caloi, Aurore Schmitt
Disuse or deliberate closure? Processes of abandonment in the Pre- and Protopalatial cemetery at Sissi (Zone 9)
Jan Driessen
An Archaeology of Change. The nature, role and consequences of destructions at the Kephali at Sissi
Διάλειμμα | Break
Enrico Zanini, Professor of Byzantine Archaeology, Università di Siena
Gortyn of Crete in Early Byzantine times: archaeology of an “average” city of the Mediterranean under transformation
ΙΣΤΟΡΙΚΟΙ ΧΡΟΝΟΙ. Γεωμετρική – Ελληνιστική Περίοδος
Πρόεδρος: Βίλη Αποστολάκου
Napoleon Xifaras
Continuities and discontinuities in Crete from the 12th to the 6th c. BC and the rise of the polis
Katerina Panagopoulou
Cretan political upheavals and human mobility in the Hellenistic period
ΙΣΤΟΡΙΚΟΙ ΧΡΟΝΟΙ. Γεωμετρική – Ελληνιστική Περίοδος [Ανατολική Κρήτη]
Donald C. Haggis, Margaret S. Mook
Structured deposition and the discontinuity of the late 7th century BC at Azoria in eastern Crete
Κωνσταντίνος Β. Mάρκος
Η καταστροφή ενός μικρού ελληνιστικού οικισμού στην Κρήτη: Χάλκινες αιχμές βελών από τον Τρυπητό Σητείας
Βασιλική Ζωγραφάκη, Alexander Farnoux , Armelle Gardeisen, Νικόλαος Θάνος, Κατερίνα Μονιάκη
Συνέχειες και ασυνέχειες στη ζωή των Δρηρίων. Η περίπτωση του συγκροτήματος του τομέα 5
Διάλειμμα | Break
ΙΣΤΟΡΙΚΟΙ ΧΡΟΝΟΙ. Γεωμετρική – Ελληνιστική Περίοδος [Ανατολική Κρήτη] (συνέχεια)
Πρόεδρος: Βασιλική Ζωγραφάκη
Γεώργιος Δ. Τσιμπούκης
Νέα στοιχεία από την υποβρύχια έρευνα στον λιμένα της Ιεράπετρας
Στέλιος Μανωλιούδης, Μανώλης Αφραθιανάκης
Αρχαία λατομεία «Ελούντας ‒ Σπιναλόγκας» Λασιθίου: Γεωλογικά ‒ ιστορικογεωγραφικά στοιχεία
ΙΣΤΟΡΙΚΟΙ ΧΡΟΝΟΙ. Γεωμετρική – Ελληνιστική Περίοδος [Κεντρική Κρήτη]
Salvatore Rizza
Continuità topografica e discontinuità tipologica nella necropoli di Siderospilia a Prinias
Antonella Pautasso
Reading social and cultural continuity and discontinuities in the 8th century burials of the Siderospilia necropolis (Prinias)
Quentin Drillat
Spatial (dis-)continuities and the rise of the City-State in the Anapodaris catchment (south-central Crete)
Saro Wallace
Quantity and quality: engaging museum collections with new excavation data
Jan Driessen, Professor of Greek Archaeology, Université Catholique de Louvain, Belgium, Former Director of the Belgian School at Athens
«Επανάσταση». Ανθρωπογενείς καταστροφές στην αρχαιολογία του Αιγαίου [with simultaneous interpretation in English]
Διάλειμμα | Break
ΙΣΤΟΡΙΚΟΙ ΧΡΟΝΟΙ. Γεωμετρική – Ελληνιστική Περίοδος [Ανατολική Κρήτη] (συνέχεια) & [Δυτική Κρήτη]
Πρόεδρος: Παυλίνα Καραναστάση
Florence Gaignerot-Driessen, Benjamin Jagou, Catharine Judson, Alexia Lattard, Carine Cenzon-Salvayre
At the dawn of the Cretan cities: Preliminary results of the excavations conducted at Anavlochos, Lasithi (2017-[2020]2022) [online]
Κυριάκος Ψαρουδάκης
Οι αρχαϊκές «οικίες» Α και Γ της Ονιθές. Στοιχεία κοινωνικής οργάνωσης στην Κρήτη του 7ου αιώνα π.Χ.
Κατερίνα Τζανακάκη, Γιάννης Φραγκάκης
Στοιχεία για την Κυδωνία των υστεροαρχαϊκών χρόνων. Η περίπτωση του μαρμάρινου κορμού οπλίτη με αρ. ευρετηρίου Λ 703 [online]
Σταυρούλα Μαρκουλάκη
Ελληνιστικό συγκρότημα ληνού στα Χανιά [online]
ΙΣΤΟΡΙΚΟΙ ΧΡΟΝΟΙ. Ρωμαϊκή & Πρωτοβυζαντινή αρχαιότητα
Χρύσα Σοφιανού
Η Ιεράπυτνα και η Πραισός πριν την Pax Romana. Πόλεμοι και διενέξεις στην ανατολική Κρήτη
Marina Albertocchi
Discontinuità e innovazione nella produzione locale di ceramica a Gortina nel periodo tardo- romano e proto-bizantino [online]
Εμμανουήλ Παπουτσάκης
Η ρωμαϊκή κεραμική από τον Τομέα Ι της αστικής έπαυλης στο οικόπεδο του Κέντρου Υγείας στην Κίσαμο: μια πρώτη προσέγγιση [online]
Εnrique García Riaza, Borja Vertedor Ballesteros
Imperium infinitum? The Roman intervention in Crete (72-66 BC) from a different perspective: local agendas and political interests in the context of diplomacy and the law of war
Διάλειμμα | Break
Enrico Zanini, Professor of Byzantine Archaeology, Università di Siena
Gortyn of Crete in Early Byzantine times: archaeology of an “average” city of the Mediterranean under transformation
Upheavals, ruptures, discontinuities, risings in the Hieropotamos valley from the Prepalatial to the Roman period: research by the Italian missions at Phaistos
Organized by Pietro M. Militello
Simona Todaro
“Melior de cinere surgo”: Phaistos and the Yeropotamos valley between 2200 and 2050 BC (EM IIB-EM III)
Upheavals, ruptures, discontinuities, risings in the Hieropotamos valley from the Prepalatial to the Roman period: research by the Italian missions at Phaistos
Organized by Pietro M. Militello
Ilaria Caloi
The foundation of the First Palace at Phaistos: between continuity and discontinuity
Upheavals, ruptures, discontinuities, risings in the Hieropotamos valley from the Prepalatial to the Roman period: research by the Italian missions at Phaistos
Organized by Pietro M. Militello
Filippo Maria Carinci
Continuity and discontinuity in the Phaistos road system during the Bronze Age
Upheavals, ruptures, discontinuities, risings in the Hieropotamos valley from the Prepalatial to the Roman period: research by the Italian missions at Phaistos
Organized by Pietro M. Militello
Giorgia Baldacci
Breaking with the past: Changing patterns in the occupational history of Agia Triada from the Prepalatial to the Protopalatial period [online]
Upheavals, ruptures, discontinuities, risings in the Hieropotamos valley from the Prepalatial to the Roman period: research by the Italian missions at Phaistos
Organized by Pietro M. Militello
Luca Girella
Between ruptures and continuity: the MM IIIA and IIIB evidence at Phaistos and Hagia Triada
Upheavals, ruptures, discontinuities, risings in the Hieropotamos valley from the Prepalatial to the Roman period: research by the Italian missions at Phaistos
Organized by Pietro M. Militello
Διάλειμμα | Break
Upheavals, ruptures, discontinuities, risings in the Hieropotamos valley from the Prepalatial to the Roman period: research by the Italian missions at Phaistos
Organized by Pietro M. Militello
Dario Puglisi
LM IB rupture(s) in context: a view from Hagia Triada
Upheavals, ruptures, discontinuities, risings in the Hieropotamos valley from the Prepalatial to the Roman period: research by the Italian missions at Phaistos
Organized by Pietro M. Militello
Orazio Palio
The LM IA period at Phaistos: an age of transition
Upheavals, ruptures, discontinuities, risings in the Hieropotamos valley from the Prepalatial to the Roman period: research by the Italian missions at Phaistos
Organized by Pietro M. Militello
Alessandro Greco
From the wanaktes of Knossos to the basileis of Phaistos
Upheavals, ruptures, discontinuities, risings in the Hieropotamos valley from the Prepalatial to the Roman period: research by the Italian missions at Phaistos
Organized by Pietro M. Militello
Elisabetta Borgna
Phaistos at the LBA-EIA transition: demise and rupture or the beginning of a new era?
Upheavals, ruptures, discontinuities, risings in the Hieropotamos valley from the Prepalatial to the Roman period: research by the Italian missions at Phaistos
Organized by Pietro M. Militello
Francesca Buscemi
Change and continuity in architectural tradition between the XIII and the VIII century BC: the “Wal(l) project”
Upheavals, ruptures, discontinuities, risings in the Hieropotamos valley from the Prepalatial to the Roman period: research by the Italian missions at Phaistos
Organized by Pietro M. Militello
Michele Scafuro, Fausto Longo
Continuity and discontinuity in Phaistos: The emergence of the polis
Upheavals, ruptures, discontinuities, risings in the Hieropotamos valley from the Prepalatial to the Roman period: research by the Italian missions at Phaistos
Organized by Pietro M. Militello
Amedeo Rossi, Fausto Longo
Phaistos in Hellenistic and Roman times: from urban settlement to rural landscape
Upheavals, ruptures, discontinuities, risings in the Hieropotamos valley from the Prepalatial to the Roman period: research by the Italian missions at Phaistos
Organized by Pietro M. Militello
Jan Driessen, Professor of Greek Archaeology, Université Catholique de Louvain, Belgium, Former Director of the Belgian School at Athens
«Επανάσταση». Ανθρωπογενείς καταστροφές στην αρχαιολογία του Αιγαίου [with simultaneous interpretation in English]
Upheavals, ruptures, discontinuities, risings in the Hieropotamos valley from the Prepalatial to the Roman period: research by the Italian missions at Phaistos
Organized by Pietro M. Militello
Διάλειμμα | Break
Upheavals, ruptures, discontinuities, risings in the Hieropotamos valley from the Prepalatial to the Roman period: research by the Italian missions at Phaistos
Organized by Pietro M. Militello
Athanasia Kanta, Santo Privitera
Looking for the First Knossians in the Mesara? A Reappraisal of the Cemetery at Kalyvia Near Phaistos
Upheavals, ruptures, discontinuities, risings in the Hieropotamos valley from the Prepalatial to the Roman period: research by the Italian missions at Phaistos
Organized by Pietro M. Militello
Nicola Cucuzza
Discontinuities at Hagia Triada and Kannià in LM IIIA-B
Upheavals, ruptures, discontinuities, risings in the Hieropotamos valley from the Prepalatial to the Roman period: research by the Italian missions at Phaistos
Organized by Pietro M. Militello
Alessandro Sanavia
Stamping pottery in the Mesara plain: notes on a skilled artisanal koinè during the Protopalatial period [poster]
Upheavals, ruptures, discontinuities, risings in the Hieropotamos valley from the Prepalatial to the Roman period: research by the Italian missions at Phaistos
Organized by Pietro M. Militello
Sofia Antonello
The ‘Shrines phase’ at Phaistos: a period of renewal in the Final MM IIB phase [poster]
Upheavals, ruptures, discontinuities, risings in the Hieropotamos valley from the Prepalatial to the Roman period: research by the Italian missions at Phaistos
Organized by Pietro M. Militello
Colette Manciero
Phaistos at the end of antiquity. Settlement and socioeconomic considerations on the pottery data: preliminary results. [poster]
Upheavals, ruptures, discontinuities, risings in the Hieropotamos valley from the Prepalatial to the Roman period: research by the Italian missions at Phaistos
Organized by Pietro M. Militello
Flavia Toscano, Gabriella Longhitano
Discontinuities and changes in textile production between the LMIIIC and Archaic period in Crete: Phaistos as a case study [poster]
Upheavals, ruptures, discontinuities, risings in the Hieropotamos valley from the Prepalatial to the Roman period: research by the Italian missions at Phaistos
Organized by Pietro M. Militello
Erica Platania, Thea Messina
Evidence of bone marrow exploitation in Pre-palatial Phaistos: the analysis of faunal remains from the North-Eastern Complex [poster]
Upheavals, ruptures, discontinuities, risings in the Hieropotamos valley from the Prepalatial to the Roman period: research by the Italian missions at Phaistos
Organized by Pietro M. Militello
Marianna Figuera
Metallurgical Activity in Agia Triada: The Ambiguous Evidence [poster]
Upheavals, ruptures, discontinuities, risings in the Hieropotamos valley from the Prepalatial to the Roman period: research by the Italian missions at Phaistos
Organized by Pietro M. Militello
Διάλειμμα | Break
Upheavals, ruptures, discontinuities, risings in the Hieropotamos valley from the Prepalatial to the Roman period: research by the Italian missions at Phaistos
Organized by Pietro M. Militello
Enrico Zanini, Professor of Byzantine Archaeology, Università di Siena
Gortyn of Crete in Early Byzantine times: archaeology of an “average” city of the Mediterranean under transformation
Upheavals, ruptures, discontinuities, risings in the Hieropotamos valley from the Prepalatial to the Roman period: research by the Italian missions at Phaistos
Organized by Pietro M. Militello
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